6 months – 18 months (Educator to Child Ratio 1:3 / 1:4)
In Birch room we celebrate new beginnings. Like the tree, the children are resilient and adaptive to their environment. Brilliant symbols of renewal, these youngsters are the future generation. Those signified with this tree are achievers, who patiently pursue their objectives until they have attained their goals. This strength is seen through their perseverance to face the world as it comes. Mightily learning and growing to great heights, like the stable Birch tree symbolizes.
18 months – 2 Years (Educator to Child Ratio 1:6)
Like the Ivy tree, the children in Ivy room are a determined and thoughtful bunch. Steadfast in their attempts to gain a grasp on their new found skills, the children take tiny steps until ready to commit. Once firmly rooted they are all in and will do whatever it takes to reach their goals. This is an example of the human spirt and the strength we all have to carry on regardless of any setbacks. The Ivy is also a symbol of connection and friendship. Ever furrowing and intertwining, the Ivy is an example of the shifts and changes that early childhood friendships can take. This practice of relationships fosters places of vitality; Places of vitality are healthy communities.
2 years – 2.5 years (Educator to Child Ratio 1:6)
The symbolism of the Aspen comes in the dancing of the leaves! Like the leaves of the Aspen tree, the children appear to jive along to some crazy cosmic beat. Transformative in their actions and the evolution of their personalities, the possibilities are endless. When given the opportunity to observe the Aspen tree in action there are boundless opportunities within each moment to see the root of true magic cling. Forever alert, becoming aware, and connecting to their environment, the children transform before our eyes. As the children learn about the world they become powerful in their tenacity to play and explore. These mighty learners bring body and mind- his or her whole being- to play and learning.
2.5 years – 3 years (Educator to Child Ratio 1:6)
The Willow tree inspires imagination! The whimsy and wonder that the leaves and branches create can be connected to the children represented in this room. Playfully exploring the world around them, expanding their thought processes, and forming social skills are essential. At play, the children are empowered to learn on their own terms, in their own ways, and in their own time. Like the Willow tree, the children have resilience to adversity. They grow and bend without breaking, thriving in some of the most challenging of situations. Unwavering in their ambitions to achieve their goals, intuitively following their heart, mind, and spirit.
3 years – 4 years (Educator to Child Ratio 1:8 )
The Oak is considered a cosmic storehouse of wisdom embodied within its towering strength. Well known for its durability, purity and consistency, it represents all that is powerful. Like the mighty learners in the room, the children stay true to their path to explore fiercely and with purpose. A mighty learner and citizen of their community, the children formulate their identities. Through play, exploration, and discovery the children and educators co-construct learning together. This room invites energy and stability into our community.
3.5 years – 6 years (Educator to Child Ratio 1:8 / 1:10)
As our oldest, the children in this room represent experience and wisdom. Playfully exploring the world around them, the children have built meaning through their experiences and creations. By scaffolding their learning, the decisions, actions, and interactions build on the children’s existing knowledge and skills to enhance their learning. Their innovative and intuitive thinking is similar to the characteristics of the Hazel branches. The Hazel’s unusual branch formations make it a delight to ponder. The branches inspire people to be artistically motivated by the seemingly random and wild contortions. Mesmerized by the imagination and poetic nature of the children in Hazel room, it is a true pleasure to observe the personalities and resourceful learning represented in this room.