Common Questions
Indoor / Outdoor shoes, appropriate outdoor weather clothing, diapers & wipes (if applicable), security items (soother, stuffy, etc), blanket / sleep sack for nap, and milk bottles (if applicable)
Subsidy is set up with the Government of Alberta. Here is the link to apply for subsidy:
General Inquiries can be answered by calling 780.644.9992 for more information.
Once you have been approved, please inform us and we will direct bill on your behalf each month.
Our centre hours are Monday – Friday 6:45am-5:30pm. Drop off time is before 9:45am as that gives the child time to adjust and engage in activities with the classroom before lunch and nap/quiet times.
We are licensed for 78 children between the ages of 6 months to 6 years old.
We provide a morning and afternoon snack which consist of healthy foods for the children. Some of the menu items include but are not limited to: fresh seasonal fruit, vegetables, apple sauce, cheese and crackers, yogurt and granola, toast and jam, etc…We do provide 2% milk for the children at snack and lunch times. Water is always available to the children throughout the day.
At harvest pointe, we believe in positive approaches in guiding young children. The methods that we use for preventive and intervention strategies are as follows: redirection/positive reinforcement, natural consequences, consistency, problem solving with children, giving choices and monitoring & observing behaviors.
Our centre strives in a clean and sanitized faculty to ensure the healthy of the children, educators, and families. We have daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly cleaning checklist. We use a chlorine solution of 100ppm for diapering stations and toilets. A Pink No Rinse Sanitizer for tables, chairs, toys, materials, shelving units, and common areas like door knobs, sink, etc.
With the current COVID pandemic. We have increased our bleach solution from 100ppm to 1000ppm for all cleaning. Change tables are still at 100ppm.
Yes, we are a licensed childcare facility
We have been accredited since December 2018
We are a peanut free facility.
We have various ways we like to communicate with our parents. Our favorite one is face-to-face conversations at drop off and pick up as well as anytime you would like to chat. Our door is always open.
We also have a secure online parent portal that is an easy way for parents to leave notes and read about what is happening at the centre. Children’s logs are posted in the classrooms for parents to view at pick up.
We have a parent communication board posted in the front entrance of the centre as well.
Daily Classroom schedules are posted in each classroom and catered to the specific age group of that room. Days are filled with free play, morning snack, intentional experiences, morning gatherings, diapering & toileting times, outdoor play, community walks, lunch time, nap/quiet time, afternoon snack, etc…
Each classroom has access to the outdoor play space twice a day (weather permitting). Once in the morning and once in the afternoon. As well as the classrooms go on community walks and to near by playgrounds.
Children with a fever, diarrhea, are vomiting, or have a new/unexplained cough or rash, must be picked up immediately. Child must be symptom free for 24 hours or cleared by a doctor.
We do administer medication as long as it is in the original bottle and/or prescribed by a doctor.
As per the COVID pandemic. We are following the alberta health services guidelines. Children showing symptoms need to stay home or get tested.
We practice fire drills once a month at the centre to ensure we are prepared in the event of a real fire. Evacuation procedures are posted on each of the exit doors in the building.
Child at the centre sleep on cots that are low to the ground if they are between the ages of 12months-6years of age. Children under 12 months sleep in the cribs.
Children are not required to sleep during the designated nap time hours. If children do not sleep, they are given quiet activities to engage with while the rest of the children are sleeping. We do provide sheets for the cots which we wash once a week and the parents are responsible for bringing in a sleep sack/blanket for their child and it must be brought home on Fridays to wash.